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[GUI Developwtlmditab_demo

Description: This class adds a simple tab control in a WTL based MDI application. It is partly based on the freeware MFC version from Dundas Software available at
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 王豫 | Hits:


Description: 使用了tab control dde等控件,很不错的界面程序,希望能够帮助大家 -use of the tab control dde such controls, the interface is pretty good procedures in the hope that we can help
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 朱创 | Hits:


Description: 给MFC 中的MDI子窗口增加tab控制条,类似tab页面,对应着每个child窗口-MFC to the MDI window-increasing tab control, similar tab pages, corresponding to each child window
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: wbt | Hits:


Description: 一个Tab控件,动态创建,不需要嵌入属性页和对话框,大大减少代码。CMyTabCtrl - Very Simple Dynamic Tab Control for MFC。-A Tab control, dynamic creation, does not require embedded property page and dialog box, greatly reducing the code. CMyTabCtrl- Very Simple Dynamic Tab Control for MFC.
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: sangjisheng | Hits:

[GUI DevelopXPTabApp

Description: MFC库,VC++开发环境,实现XP风格的tab control,可改变tab的位置,上下左右-MFC Library, VC++ Development environment, realize XP style tab control, can change the tab position from top to bottom around
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: GYK | Hits:


Description: Tab control source code in MFC application
Platform: | Size: 122880 | Author: Ivan | Hits:


Description: Advanced tab control in MFC application
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: Ivan | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWin32_SDK_C_TabControl_source

Description: TabControl demo. Awhile back, I wanted to use the tab control in a Win32 SDK C project. The low-level implementation proved to be somewhat cumbersome. A search of the Web turned up a lot of examples based on MFC, but very little along the lines of plain old C. What I did find did not support keyboard navigation. After extensively using tab controls in VB.NET, I had an idea of what features would make for an easy-to-implement Win32 tab control.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: VladimirT | Hits:


Description: MFC TAB Control使用小例,例子不算大,还可以-MFC TAB Control Test
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: 动力传说 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopVisualFramework(ViewsTabsandSplitters)

Description: 一个基于单文档(SDI)的、使用MFC的简单界面框架;界面上主要表现的功能有:视图的拆分、Tab控件的功能、CEdit控件及其它一些视图窗体在拆分窗口中的叠加;主要特色:对控件代码进行了良好的封装,使用面向对象的观念对所有可视对象进行了统一的管理;-Based on Single Document (SDI), and a simple interface using MFC framework interface functions mainly include: the split view, Tab control functions, CEdit control and other forms in the split window view of the superposition main features: the control code of a good package, use the concept of object-oriented visualization for all objects of a unified management
Platform: | Size: 258048 | Author: jiqiubo | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCTab

Description: CTabCtrl控件的示例代码,实现了通过点击CTabCtrl控件的标签页在不同的对话框之间切换。基于对话框的MFC程序。-Control CTabCtrl sample code, CTabCtrl achieved by clicking on the tab control in the dialog box to switch between different. MFC dialog-based program.
Platform: | Size: 1967104 | Author: 沈家骏 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCTabPageSample

Description: VC++ Tab Control实例。CTabSheet简例。VS 2005 C++ MFC Dialog例程-VC++ Tab Control example. CTabSheet a simple example. VS 2005 C++ MFC Dialog routines
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: andylau | Hits:


Description: Tab Control的使用方法,VC++ MFC 编程,word文档-The use of Tab Control,VC++,MFC
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 李金岳 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopDEMO_tabwork

Description: MFC的TAB控件示例以及相关操作,详见里面内容-MFC-TAB control sample as well as related operations, see the contents inside
Platform: | Size: 5043200 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Develop2007082211560012676

Description: MFC TAB控件 创建 用于探讨使用-TAB control
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: | Hits:

[Tab ControltabTest

Description: this tab control example code. can you raise the dialog on the tab control. based on MFC(visual 2008) -this is tab control example code. can you raise the dialog on the tab control. based on MFC(visual 2008)
Platform: | Size: 4706304 | Author: kim jun oh | Hits:

[Button control5467787

Description: 一个很好的MFC tab控件的应用列子,可以直接编译,并且很容易看懂-A good application Liezi MFC tab control, you can directly compile and very easy to understand
Platform: | Size: 7382016 | Author: bobo | Hits:

[GUI DevelopExplorer

Description: 一个Exepoler,用mfc 编写的,里面包含了 tree control 和 tab control的应用,大家共同进步-A Exepoler, written with mfc, hoping to provide people in need, we progress together ...
Platform: | Size: 2008064 | Author: 邓雪潘 | Hits:

[Tab Controlmfc_TabControl

Description: mfc下的自绘的Tab控件,可在标签前添加位图,非常漂亮,简单易用。-mfc Tab painted under the self-control can be added before the label bitmap, very beautiful, easy to use.
Platform: | Size: 17815552 | Author: 季末 | Hits:

[Tab ControlMFC-tab

Description: MFC中的TAB控件实例编程,带TAB图标-The TAB control instance in the MFC programming with TAB ICONS
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: hanse | Hits:
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